Law of Attraction Tips The Secret of Attracting Wealth

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The Secret of Attracting Wealth

Date: 2016-01-26 22:05:01

Law of Attraction Tips that will help you attract more wealth and success into your life. The Law of Attraction is a concept that says you will attract into your life the things you focus on.

For example, if your a negative person you will vibrate at a negative frequency. Therefore, you will attract other people who vibrate at this negative energy level into your life.

The secret to attracting great wealth and success is to convince your sub-conscious mind that you are already wealthy.

The reason being is if your constantly thinking about being poor and in poverty then that will translate into your actions.

This fear of poverty will cause you to not take risks you should have otherwise taken. Furthermore, you will be attracting to others who live in a perpetual state of poverty.

One of the best ways to program your sub-conscious mind is through the use of affirmations. This is the process of repeating phrases over and over, usually out loud. The key to getting quick and lasting change with affirmations is to put emotion and feeling behind them.

Napoleon Hill says that by adding this key element you will greatly increase your chances for success.

In speeches Bob Proctor has talked about the law of attraction actually being based on the law of vibration. Your vibrational frequency you emit into the world is usually based on your state of mind.

By utilizing deep breathing and meditation techniques you can manufacture a positive state of mind and therefore a positive vibration.



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