Easily Attract Money Using The Law Of Attraction – NO ONE Tells You This!
Easily Attract Money Using The Law Of Attraction
#LawofAttraction #AttractMoney #LawofAttractionMoney
I was a 19 year old college dropout, struggling to get my books published and and and struggling with it everything. My wife now girlfriend at the time was in debt and she was in debt because I couldn’t pay for anything. Nothing was working out for me financially, and then I am covered how to easily attract money into my life by changing a few ideas that I had around it. And then the flood gates opened. Napoleon hill says in thinking grow rich riches when they come come and such vast quantities. That one wonders where they were hiding all those lean years. They just start showing up, and in this video I’m gonna teach you how to make it start showing up easily, manifest money using the law of attraction. Let’s dive right into this video.
Number one, the only difference between easy and hard, a little and a lot your thoughts, your thoughts are the only difference between those two. Everything in this physical universe is simply energy and what happens is we put these time allotments on things this will never work at. This’ll take me 60 years. It’ll take me 60 years to be financially free. Well, it’s really hard to do this. Well, you know me doubling my income. That will be really hard and we blocked the flow. Now I know that sounds silly because I was sitting there too. I was struggling to get my career going. As I said, my, my girlfriend at the time, now my wife was in debt and I listened to a online seminar by an individual named Bob proctor and he said that it’s not hard to attract money. What’s hard, if anything, is our mindsets that are set up the block it and he said, you can turn your annual income, what you make in a year, you can turn that into your monthly income, and we thought this guy is ridiculous.
This is the silliest thing I ever heard, but I said, I will suspend my disbelief long enough to give these ideas a clear try and my life changed absolutely forever. Not only did my annual income become my monthly income, but much more than that and it shifted when I stopped thinking of it as, oh, that’s a lot. Oh, this is hard. And I started affirming instead, that money comes to me easily. I changed my mindset to I have a right to be rich. Now. It used to think if I, if I made money, do helping people. I was a bad person. I used to believe, well, you have to be extremely, extremely intelligent to attract a lot of money when in fact, that’s not true either. I mean, just the most clear cut example is, is Henry Ford Crater Ford Motors. He had like a, like a elementary school education.
Richard Branson, the creator of the Virgin Group, billionaire, he didn’t even finish middle school, so you don’t need to be some brilliant harvard person in order to attract a lot of money you don’t, but what you do need is a fundamental understanding that you have a right to be rich, you have a right to it, and you’re going to make the world a better place. You will be more generous, you will be more giving, and in order to attract money, you have to help people anyway, so you’re naturally going to make the world a better place. So comment down below, I have a right to be rich. Comment down below. I have a right to be rich. Number two, what is money? Really? It’s just energy, but if you believe it to be this ever elusive piece of paper that’s hard to get. It’s going to be an ever elusive piece of paper that’s hard to get.
Everything in this physical universe is just energy. Your iphone that you’re watching this on your computer, that you’re watching this on the chair that you’re sitting on, the walls of the room that you’re in. It’s all energy, it’s all energy, just moving at different rates of vibration, moving at rates of vibration that are so dense. The way that the way that the light is arrange, it appears to be solid objects to these limited physical eyes. Money is just energy. What are your thoughts? Your thoughts are energy. Money is an energy system that we use to exchange value,
and when you put that in perspective, it doesn’t become this ever elusive thing anymore. It’s just energy and if my consciousness can be in harmony with the energy of money that I can attract it into my life because money is really two things.
Date: 2019-02-13 13:02:28
source https://manifestationmatters.com/easily-attract-money-using-the-law-of-attraction-no-one-tells-you-this/
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