55X5 Manifesting Technique 3 BIGGEST BLOCKS To Manifest $1,000,000

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3 BIGGEST BLOCKS To Manifest $1,000,000 using 55X5 Manifesting Technique For MANIFESTING MONEY! LOA

55X5 Manifesting Technique 3 BIGGEST BLOCKS To Manifest $1,000,000

In this video we talk about 55x5 manifesting technique and the 55x5 method for the law of attraction to manifest money and how I used it for manifesting money, and how you can manifest money too using the 55x5 law of attraction technique.

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Date: 2019-05-09 02:51:04

In this video we talk about 55×5 manifesting technique and the 55×5 method for the law of attraction to manifest money and how I used it for manifesting money, and how you can manifest money too using the 55×5 law of attraction technique.

Topics are..
* 55×5 method
* manifesting money using the law of attraction
* law of attraction


55×5 method

The 55 by five method. How are used this law, the traction manifesting method in order to become a millionaire and how you can use it too.

So quite a few years ago, I was extremely defeated. Things weren’t working out in my life. I was working very, very, very hard getting no results.

And it was year after year, and my girlfriend at the time, she’s now my wife, was in debt and I listened to a interview by Mike Dooley from the movie, the secret, the crater of notes from the universe.

And in the interview he was asked about his favorite affirmation. He said, you know, one did. I used to always tell myself when I was struggling in life was happy, spiritual, international, multimillionaire, happy, spiritual, international, multimillionaire.

Comment down below. I’m a happy spiritual, international, multimillionaire, or just simplify it and say, I’m a happy spiritual millionaire. Comment down below. I am a happy spiritual millionaire.

I was like, I like that.

That is cool. And so what I started doing is I started writing that I would do it more than 55 times at first until I heard about the 55 by five method and I would write it over and over, but I wouldn’t just write the words.

I’d feel the energy of it. Feel the emotion that it stirred, the excitement that it stirred in me, and I use the repetition of that to start to make that a habitual thought patterns the way didn’t know if scripting or the 55 by five method or journaling or whatever is working is basically when you finish that technique and you’re out in your everyday life, do those thoughts stick with you?

He’s, if they’re sticking with you, they’re starting to sink into the subconscious mind. And if they sink into the subconscious mind, it means there’s starting to become a belief system.


Manifesting money using the law of attraction

If they’re starting to be a belief system, they will become a reality in your life.

And I know this, hey, this is starting to happen in my, in my everyday life. So over and over out, right? I’m a happy spiritual international, or at simplify it. I’m a happy spiritual millionaire. I’m a happy spiritual millionaire.

I’m a happy spiritual millionaire over and over and over. And what I would do is I’d ride it at least 55 times.

So the way that 55 by five method works is it’s about writing down what it is that you want 55 times for five days in a row. Um, I think that you should do it more than five days in a row.

I think you should just make it a habit as part of your, as part of your life, to retrain your thought patterns. And people say, wow, this is all so silly.

You have to understand that you have 65,000 in a day. That’s facts. 100% facts. You have approximately 65,000 thoughts a day. And their subconscious sub means below. So they’re not your conscious thoughts.

They’re habitual thought patterns had been programmed into you.

Your thoughts create your reality, your thoughts create how your brain and your nerve cells are wired. It creates your, your uh, your chemistry, how you feel physiologically, your, the, the way your nervous system responds to reality.

And of course your thoughts and beliefs determine your behaviors. All of this create everything in your life from your bank account, everything about your life. So I had to start to recreate a new self image for myself.

I had dropped out of college as an 18 year old and decided I was going to travel around the world and in write a book, everyone said it was stupid.


Law of Attraction

You won’t be successful. You know, hard. It is to be published by New York publishers.

You have to be intelligent and intellectual and you have to have a degree from Harvard and you need these resources and you need this thing. I didn’t have any how’s this college dropout that I only got into college because that was a first team.

All San Diego basketball player. I never did good in school. I was at, I was a c student. Got a couple of B’s, never got A’s and I got into school because I was very good at basketball and so I didn’t my, the way my self image was that I wasn’t very smart.

I worked very, I was a hard worker, not very intelligent and I was very good at scraping by, scraping by on the basketball court, scraping by, figuring out how to pass my classes last minute before the end of the semester and I wasn’t very smart.

Watch the full video to learn more …



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