The 3 Keys to Success
The 3 Keys to Success
How to make a success of your life? How to have the right mindset to be successful, successful? What advice to become an actor in your life? Learn more about the 3 keys to success.
If you want to have success in your projects, achieve your goals, you must imperatively understand that it is you who are the pilot of your life, it is you who are in control of your life!
Indeed, the choices you make will have a direct impact on the results you will get. Faced with the same situation, you have several choices, you can decide to suffer or decide to act, to take charge.
The outcome will depend on the decision you make !!
The 3 keys to success factors
Becoming aware that you are 100% responsible for your life through the choices you make is the first key to having the right mindset, and to transforming your life. It is a key success factor, become an actor of your life rather than a spectator!
Another key success factor is taking action.
To get what you want, you have to give yourself the means, do it differently.
What will make the difference between a person who succeeds in changing their life and a person who stays in the same place is ACTION.
Do you want to know how to succeed?
Look at how successful people in your field have done it, ask yourself the right questions: how did they do it? What have they put in place to succeed and achieve their goals?
Take inspiration from their paths to adapt it to you.
And remember that YOU are in control of your life, it is you who decide by the choices you make.
My personal opinion
This is my opinion, my philosophy and vision about the 3 keys to success.
Your opinion may diverge and I invite you not to hesitate to give your opinion in comment!
Note that all quotes in English are from Gary Vaynerchuk.
For those who don’t know it yet, I’m a complete fan. He thinks exactly like me and is excellent at communicating so I borrow his quotes while giving him credit.
Here are the 3 keys to success:
Key # 1 – The Work
“Work Hard or Work Smart? … Do both. ”
– Gary Vee
To succeed in business, you must not be afraid of working hard. You should understand that it is possible that you have weeks of 80 hours and more.
You also have to understand that, especially at the beginning, you have to be ready to put those hours.
If you want to keep the security of a full-time job in addition to your business, you will clearly have no choice but to work evenings and weekends to reach your goals.
That said, you also have to work smart. You need a process, tools and the support you need to make your job as easy as possible.
You need a team that will be able to fill your weak spots even if only on demand.
You should learn to delegate certain tasks rather than trying to learn everything yourself in the hopes of reducing your costs.
Personal example: I don’t write as well in English as in French. I manage, of course, but I would clearly take 2 times more time to make a “perfect” text in English.
So I’m dealing with a superb Ghostwriter who writes my English-speaking articles. I give her the subject, I pay her, and she lays me a great article in 48 hours or less. So I save a lot of time at this level.
And your time is precious; you can’t have more. You can make better use of it by optimizing your processes, but you will never have more than 24 hours in your day.
Key # 2 – Creativity
“Creativity is the Variable of Success.”
– Gary Vee
One of my favourite quotes. Be creative. If you do nothing to stand out from the 380,276 competitors you have, you are an option on those 380,276. Your chances of winning are therefore… 1 in 380,276.
On the other hand, if what you do is unique or only … 20 people do things like you.
Your chances of winning have just increased to 1 in 20. Much more interesting!
And being creative is at full level:
- Be creative in your communications.
- Be creative in your products.
- Be creative in your services.
- Be creative in your use of Facebook.
- Be creative in your contact with your customers.
- Be creative in the experience you offer.
- Be creative in your relationship development.
- Be creative in your loyalty strategies.
- Be creative … in everything you do.
Basically, be creative in how to be creative!
Stand out so that you are noticed and that you are not forgotten. And so that we don’t forget you!
Key # 3 – Corporate Culture
“Doing the right thing is always the right thing. to do”
– Gary Vee
Create relationships with your customers. Make it your primary goal, before you even make money, to help people.
This is the winning mindset for success these days. And it’s the winning mindset for long-term success. Because 2019 is good, but will you be in 2029? If you still want to run your business, start thinking long term today.
I don’t want to scare anyone, but we’ve had steady economic growth for the past 8 years. It is one of the longest consecutive periods of growth.
What does that mean? Well yes, eventually (probably in not long) we will be entitled to an economic crisis. For those who have been in business for less than 8 years, you have never experienced this. You must be ready.
Going back to the corporate culture, if your intentions are pure and the well-being of your customers and fans is really important to you, you can only succeed.
If you are starting out in entrepreneurship, you are probably alone or have a small team. Each of your actions will create your Corporate Culture.
Whenever you speak with a customer, whenever you resolve a concern, each time you write an article. Basically, every time you do something in your business will enhance your Corporate Culture.
You need to make sure that the way you act is the way you want your partners and future employees to act.
You must, as quickly as possible, formalize your corporate culture and share it, teach it, to the people with whom you will do business.
And once again, I strongly urge you to put your customer relationships at the center of your corporate culture .
This way there, against the wind and the tide, your customers will support you. If you take care of them, they will take care of you when you need them.
The 3 keys to success video
Date: 2018-09-04 15:27:13
Your Road Straight to Success:
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If you desire to become better, or successful at something, this article will provide you the foundation to get started. Chances are, no matter what your current income, relationship, or job situation is, you wouldnt mind being more successful.
Of course, the term success is unique to you. You must first define success and then determine what you want to be successful at.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. -Abraham Lincoln
The first step to becoming successful is to emulate the ones whove already done it. You know the saying: dont recreate the wheel.
#1 Get a Mentor
All successful people have credited at least one influential person or mentor in their life. Mentors not only provide support but also challenge your thoughts and actions.
Not to prove whos right or wrong, but to open your horizons, offer other options, challenge pre-conceived ideas, and truly help you discover who you are.
A mentor will never accept the phrase: I dont know, its just always been that way! because a mentor believes you control your future.
#2 Be Healthy Live Breathe Think Eat: Health.
We all know healthy living (exercise) and eating is important.
However, for the road to true success, its not enough. Its imperative your mind yes, every thought supports your decision to be successful.
Be aware of negative self-talk or thoughts. They will put a stop to your success faster than anyone or anything else. Which means you may have to re-program your thoughts. To do this, continuously reaffirm the fact you are attaining your goal.
Notice I didnt say you will attain your goal. The key is to focus on your thoughts, not your actual actions. Why? Your mind does not know the difference between fact and make-believe. By repeatedly saying youre successful, your mind will accept it as fact.
Once your entire being functions at 100%, nothing will stop you. Roadblocks become hurdles, hurdles become rocks in the road. Rocks become great stories along the way. All things will be possible.
#3 Put Blinders On Only focus on your goal.
Henry Ford once said, Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Keep your eyes on your goal and dont look around.
Success (whatever that may mean to you) can be attained by anyone especially you. With your eyes on the goal, a mentor to guide you, and a healthy attitude, you offer yourself no other possibility than to succeed.
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