What are You Thankful for – Gratitude is the Key to Open Doors

What are you thankful for?

We forget the ability to feel grateful when we have everything too much.  But gratitude opens the door to a life of plenty.  What are you thankful for?

For when we have too much of everything, we take things for granted. When we are not grateful, we are dissatisfied.

When we become dissatisfied, we are unhappy and do not know how to come back grateful.

How alienated we are from reality. The minced meat comes from a plastic box, a clothing store, a furniture store, a milk jar, a water tap and an interpersonal phone. And what a huge job behind them!

What would be a world where suddenly this would no longer be the case?

Okay, this is the reality today. I’m not claiming that everything was better before or that the reality was wrong. But all this abundance and ease blurs our gratitude for everyday things. We can no longer be grateful for such simple things as food, health, rest and work.

So we can’t be grateful for everyday life. They are all burdens. Burdens that we should just be.

It is dangerous to be so ungrateful. For it drives us to want more. To seek that happiness in the wrong places when it is no longer out of everyday life.

To seek that happiness everywhere outside of everyday life, while nullifying every “ordinary” day.


what are you thankful for - Qualities Grateful Joyful - Free image on Pixabay

Gratitude is the Key to Open Doors

One of the guiding stars of my life has been: to forget what cannot be changed is happy. ”

It is easy to agree with this archaeologist Arvo Ylpö’s life wisdom. However, the realization of wisdom many times seems to be a completely different matter.

It is worth taking pride in taking it seriously, because according to research, seeing the good in life improves health. Gratitude has been found to lower blood pressure and improve immunity.

With gratitude, a person can even relieve himself of physical pain.

WHAT moves in our minds before falling asleep doesn’t matter. If we think about the themes of gratitude in life, we fall asleep relaxed.

In addition, we sleep better all night. People who are prone to gratitude are also more merciful to themselves and their fellow travelers.

Almost always this does not happen by itself, but gratitude is a skill where there are many other things and thus it can be learned. In any case, what you pay attention to is strengthened; whether it is good or bad!

Another plus of gratitude is that it increases a person’s ability to boldly pursue their dreams.


What you are thankful for maifests faster

EXCEPT FOR DREAMS , gratitude can open doors in difficult life situations.

When you have learned to be grateful for the little things of everyday life, your endurance in the face of adversity is greater. Gratitude seems to cut off the tip from awkward feelings and give things the right proportions for the situation.

Whether it’s dreams or difficulties, a grateful person doesn’t have to be uncritical at all.

The situation and its own possibilities can be seen realistically. Difficulties are difficulties, but they do not discourage.

Just as Arvo Ylppö once said, it is wise to separate the things that can be influenced from the things that cannot be influenced.



Gratitude has some strange relationship with presence.

Stopping at good things is at the same time being present in the existing moment. And when you are present for yourself, there is an opportunity to be present for other people as well.

For another person, being present can, at best, allow him or her to be an accepted and valuable person. And that, in turn, gives cause for gratitude. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Gratitude does not come by force, but rather by gently inviting. One effective tool is a gratitude diary.

Simply put, in the evening you record the things you have been grateful for during the day and why.

It’s not for everyone to keep a gratitude diary every night. It can easily become a mere mechanical list. However, when you start writing a diary, you may get the most out of writing every night, for example for three weeks.

BY THE way, what are you thankful for today?

The author is a lecturer in geography and biology at Kiuruvesi High School and the hostess of an organic dairy farm: Sari Tikkanen

What feeling does the article evoke in you? By expressing your feelings, you can see the reactions of others.



Royalty-Free photo: Woman in blue scoop-neck dress smiling while ...

A gratitude diary helps you notice the good

The counters stink, there is a bladder on the toe and the dog should run in the pouring rain.

The situation could also see this: I have put healthy food, bought a good-looking shoes, and in addition to her workouts. That’s what a person who is grateful and therefore also happy thinks.

It is easy to add a sense of gratitude. A proven way is to write a diary of gratitude. Coach Anne Karilahti advises that at least every other night it is worth recording things that you appreciate and that are good that day.

Things that are important to the diary can be very mundane and self-evident. I’m healthy. I have wonderful friends. I periodically clean up.

There was a good cabbage box in the workplace canteen.

– If you think only about what is missing, you live in inadequacy.

When you write topics of gratitude, you start to notice that whether it’s a nice program on the telly or whether it’s wonderful to get mail.

The ability to feel gratitude increases happiness, for a grateful person is not constantly thirsting for something more. He knows how to stop and see that things are going well right now.

This way you never forget what are you thankful for.


What are you thankful for today?

Through my research I have found some good examples for inspiration.  To the exact question what are you thankful for today, this is what some interesting people referred:

Actress-dancer Sami Sarjula:

  • A trap who loves me just the way I am.
  • That I get to share with my spouse the joy and excitement of expecting a child.
  • Wedding planning.
  • About finding a dream home for our family.
  • About a great job and co-workers.
  • Song gigs.
  • About the opportunity to play rally and hockey.
  • That our dog Kaffe is super happy when we get home.

Personal trainer Mirella Koullias:

  • Happy kittens Blue and Fiona playing with each other.
  • Lovely parents and little sister.
  • About a man making spaghetti sauce when I come home tired.
  • Love and caring for loved ones.
  • Soft snooze blanket.
  • From emails sent by co-workers.
  • About calm stretching music.
  • About health and exercise.

Coach Anne Karilahti:

  • Awesome family.
  • A nice home with a utility room.
  • For the clothes I have already chosen for tomorrow.
  • From a new inspiring interior design book.
  • About the man cleaning the kitchen.
  • About the feelings of happiness.
  • For having time to watch Click me series.
  • Breakfast in a new wonderful place.


File:Placard of Thanksgiving IMG 3127.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

Practice gratitude everyday

To live the life we want to live, it is important to be thankful for each and every little aspect of our present lives that makes us feel good.

Just focus on the positive things.  Focus on what pleases you and feel the joy of what you became until now.

Take notice that, as you have done today, you can manifest or make real ecerything you want into your life.  Be aware that bad things can be attracted too, so keep your vision on whatever makes you glad.

Each and every morning wake up thanking a brand new day.  It is the opportunity to create a wonderful page of your personal story.

Gratitude is the power that makes you get closer to the things you want, so think again, what are you thankful for today?



Gratitude F.A.Q.


What are you thankful for today?

Right here are 60 points that I am grateful for today: I am appreciative for my wellness. I am appreciative to have a God that loves me. I am thankful that we have the flexibility to prayer just how as well as where I want.


What are you most thankful for in your life?

Primarily, I am most grateful for the gift of healthiness. A lot pertaining to the high quality of one’s life depends upon healthiness. I applaud and also bless God daily for the solid mind and body he has honored me with. I am appreciative I have love in my life.


What are the points you are thankful for?

Things To Be Thankful For In Life

Healthiness. Even if your wellness isn’t terrific, it could be worse and also you likely still have some working parts to be happy for.
Deposit. Having simply a few coins makes you richer than lots of people in the world.

  • Great Friends. …
  • Freedom of Religion. …
  • Your Parents. …
  • Weekend breaks. …
  • Having a Partner. …
  • Pet dogs.



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what are you thankful for

The post What are You Thankful for – Gratitude is the Key to Open Doors appeared first on Manifestation Matters.

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