The Law of Attraction Explained (The Secret in 2020)

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The Law of Attraction Explained

The Law of Attraction Explained

The Law of Attraction might be a word you’ve heard before, maybe not. It is a theory that one can attract certain things in life.

You can attract the essence of the energy you emit through your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. 

So even if you are not familiar with the concept of the law of attraction, when you think and feel things, you create your reality.

Do you believe that good things are going to happen in your life if you spend your time complaining and thinking that you are not worth it?

Can things change if you don’t even believe in yourself? What if your mind is fogged up in negative thoughts?

You attract the type of energy that you emit . When you think about it, that makes sense doesn’t it? Well, that’s the very concept of the Law of Attraction.

So, in concrete terms, how do you get what you want and transform your life? I am learning everyday but I want to share with you these things that have worked for me so far.

I think they could bring you a lot and I want you to get the same results.


The Law of Attraction Explained - Young dreamy ethnic woman smiling brightly


The power of thought

The law of attraction is based on the fact that the universe creates and provides for you what your thoughts are focused on.

The origin of every circumstance or situation in your current life has its roots in one of your thought patterns from the past.

So, if you are generally a very positive and upbeat person and often focus on positive thoughts such as happiness, gratitude, and growth, your subconscious mind will continue to draw positive experiences and events to you.

But if you identify with yourself as a negative person, often leading to thoughts of fear, anxiety, worry, or jealousy, the Law of Attraction will continue to draw experiences to you that match your thoughts.

This is what your internal reality is.Your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and emotions come together to form your predominant mental attitude , which then determines the events, circumstances, outcomes, and people you will meet in your future.


Happy ethnic female laughing brightly with mouth opened - The Law of Attraction Explained


Applying the Law of Attraction

On this Law of Attraction explained article I want to share the basic steps to apply the Law of Attraction.


Formulate what you want

The first thing to do is to write down what you want very clearly. Describe every detail of what you want.

Take the example of wanting a particular job, the job of your dreams.

Let’s take a concrete example, don’t write down “I want a stylist”. Instead, go for something very specific like “I want to be a stylist in Paris and earn $ 3000 per month.”

Think about this job very precisely. Think about what salary you want, where you want to work. What is your workplace like, how are you going to get there.

Here, it is concretely the moment when you conceive the life of your dreams. Don’t be afraid to do it.

Open your mind and accept your most ambitious thoughts. Be very specific because with the law of



Visualization is powerful. And we all do it, intentionally or not.

This is also why it is so useful to have thought and written exactly what you want. Now each day, spend a few minutes imagining the end result of your dream.

Don’t even try to figure out how it’s going to be, but see clearly in your mind what you desire. When you visualize, you literally take that desire out of your dreams and turn it into reality.

Your subconscious doesn’t care whether what you envision is “real” or not, it reacts to the vibrations you are emitting.

If you are not good at visualization, or if you are not particularly comfortable with it to begin with, you can create a vision board.


Start taking action

Some people don’t believe in the manifestation because it sounds too good to be true: you think and write things down, and all of a sudden they start happening?

It would indeed be too good to be true. The truth is, you have to take action to manifest your ideal life .

If you spend the day doing nothing on your couch, you aren’t magically going to start a successful business just because you’ve written it down on a piece of paper and read it morning and night.

You need to start taking action. 


Create affirmations

Resistance is a blockage in the state of mind that we naturally face. All the thoughts you have or the actions you take slow down the manifestation of what you want.

For example, if you are trying to manifest money and you write down whatever you want, your mind will tend to have thoughts like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “money doesn’t fall. from the sky”.

I have learned that affirmations and manifestations go hand in hand. Whenever a resistant thought pops up, a simple statement that you can say out loud can instantly raise your positive vibration.

And sometimes that’s just what you need. If you say enough, your mind will start to believe it.


Fake it till you make it

This phrase and “act as if” is another of the powerful Law of Attraction techniques for manifesting the reality of your dreams.

The idea is that by acting like you’ve already achieved your goal, you align with that version of yourself and integrate it into your physical experience more quickly.

Once you start acting like you have the life you want, you will start to change your habits, beliefs, and attitudes, which will bring you a life in tune with your vision.


Be grateful

If your mind is focused on what you don’t have, or on things not going as fast as you want them to be, you will miss out on the small wins.

Be grateful for what you already have and for what you will receive. You have to recognize the small victories if you are to continue to find confidence and faith in the process .

Feel free to write down the things you are happy and grateful for every night before you go to bed & include the things you want to create and develop.

Gratitude doesn’t take a long time, but it can amplify the law of attraction and allow you to manifest your desires.

There is a lot to learn about the law of attraction and a lot more than what you have listened to during the 30min of my podcast. But for now, start quietly.

Think about what you want to manifest in your life. Start observing your thoughts and how you talk about yourself or others. Pay attention to what you say and remember to always be positive.


Video: The Law of Attraction Explained

Date: 2019-11-10 23:09:20

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After reading the guide, I will send you information and exercises I never share on public.

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The Law of Attraction Explained

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