10 Best Manifestation Techniques According to LOA Experts

As a Law of Attraction enthusiastic, I made a research of the 10 best manifestation techniques according to LOA experts.

I think here are some of the most common methods, so you can pick the ones you feel most comfortable with


Nikita from The Path Provides shares why is so fascinating about scrippting.

Scripting is an advanced Law of Attraction technique that tricks your mind into thinking that what you currently wish for has already happened.

Simply put, scripting is a technique where you describe in writing your life as if you already had what you wish to manifest.

When done correctly, the results are so mind-blowing that it might just be the most powerful Law of Attraction tool out there.



Multi-Perspective Visualization

Katherine Hurst suggests this interesting technique we can use to get amazing results.

When you do a creative visualization exercise, you imagine doing what you want to manifest, right? Well, you can also do visualizations from a third person perspective, seeing yourself from the outside.

In fact, studies show that sports stars often improve their skills most effectively by seeing themselves in their visualizations.

Try alternating the perspective you use, and see which gets the best results. For what it’s worth, many people find the third person perspective the best, though it may take some getting used to if you’ve always conducted visualizations from the first person.



Create a gratitude loop:

Pooja Jhamnani shares another great resource on her Linkedin profile.

In order to shift into a gratitude loop, first, you must do a few simple tasks. First, what I want you to do is take 5-10 minutes to visualize what you are thankful for. Once you have thought of 5-10 things, channel your emotion into those blessings. How does it feel to have these wonderful people, materials or tools in your current reality? After a few minutes of feeling good about what you have, you then need to write everything down.


Continue reading  https://manifestationmatters.com/10-best-manifestation-techniques-according-to-loa-experts/


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